• Kre-Beta 750mg

  • Rs.7.64

  • Wholesale Kre-Beta 750mg Details
    Kre-Alkalyn is a patented form of creatine that supports workout performance, strength, power, intensity and muscular endurance!*
    How is Kre-Alkalyn different from Creatine Monohydrate or Micronized Creatine?
    Ph buffered – Kre-Alkalyn is formulated with a higher Ph than other forms of creatine
    Kre-Alkalyn produces less waste product when digested*
    Take a smaller amount of Kre-Alkalyn per serving with the same results as other forms of creatine*
    No loading phase
    Better absorption by muscle tissue*
    Less chance of holding water or bloating*

    Are you trying to put on size, strength, and lean muscle? Then you know that you’ve got to put 110% effort into your workout to see results. But it’s hard to keep up the brutal intensity day after day. That’s where supplements may be able to help! Beta-alanine is an amino acid that attaches to Histidine to promote more muscular energy.* What does that mean for your workout? You may see:
    Better muscular endurance*
    More energy for high intensity or explosive movements*
    Better overall workout performance!*
    Whether you’re involved in resistance training or endurance activities, beta-alanine is an awesome supplement to help you achieve amazing workouts.*


    Product Information

    Flavor: None

    Serving Size: 3 Caps

    Servings Per Container: 30

    Bottle Color: Black

    Bottle Size: 200cc

    Lid Color: Black


    Nutrition Panel

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